Give Stock
Give Stock
Go Conscious Earth accepts stock donations via PayPal Giving Fund without fees and via Stock Donator and Giving Block services. To give via Giving Block, simply use widget to the right. To give via Stock Donator, please contact Barbara Holloway (barbaraholloway@gcearth.org, 919-812-7099) for instructions.
Why donating stock makes sense:
Making a gift of your appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to Go Conscious Earth saves you money on taxes.
You avoid paying capital gains tax and may also be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction.
Here’s an example of how you and the forest-dwelling people of Equateur Province, DR Congo and the endangered species who live there, including the only surviving bonobos, benefit from your gift of an appreciated asset.* When you give an appreciated asset valued at $100,000 with a tax basis of $50,000, you will avoid $7,500** in capital gains tax and may receive a tax deduction totaling $24,000*** for your charitable gift.
*Figures may vary based on the income tax laws in your state.
**Calculation is based on a 15% long-term capital gains tax rate.
***Calculation is based on a 24% federal income tax bracket.
As always, we recommend that you consult your tax or financial professional for advice before making charitable donations.
With your support, Go Conscious Earth can protect the Congo Basin Rainforest, support global climate justice, and conserve endangered species habitat while empowering local and indigenous communities toward sustainable livelihood and leadership.